Please note: while website elements are not working, email service should be improved. Site features should be repaired gradually

The von Huene CrestThe mission of this website is to facilitate communication among family members carrying the following last names:

  • von Hoiningen gen. Huene
  • von Hoyningen gen. Huene
  • von Hoiningen Huene
  • von Hoyningen Huene
  • von Hoiningen-Huene
  • von Hoyningen-Huene

By offering von Huene family members free virtual Internet services we provide members with the opportunity to learn about their shared history, get family updates, view photos of family gatherings and get in touch with other family members.

About Us:
My name is Yvonne Tamara Galganov. I am a member of the Canadian contingency of the von Huene clan. I operate an Internet business in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. This business (Galganov & Associates) provides us with the ability to share our good fortune with the rest of the von Huene family. Born out of the idea that a family name should not be owned by a single individual but shared by a group of people with common heritage, we registered and with the objective that the von Huene name be shared in virtual reality as well more...

This project was undertaken because, as web developers and virtual hosts, we have the ability to offer our family this little gift. This project, while initiated by us, is supported through your participation.

Free Services:
If you were born or are a child of a von Huene, you and each member of your immediate family (spouse and children) may be eligible for a personal free Membership and POP e-mail account (also accessible through the WebMail interface) (

Sign up for your free e-mail now and include your desired user name. After you have signed yourself in, we'll send you an e-mail to confirm your inclusion in this service along with access instructions!

Don't forget to check back. This site will be enhanced and new services and features will be added.